Survey and Interview Questionnaires

  • The actual questions need to be attached to your application. Any applications lacking this information will be returned to you without being reviewed.
  • Any invitation letters/emails should be included as recruitment materials.
  • If dealing with sensitive topics, a debriefing statement should be included at the end of the survey/interview with referral information for participants wishing to discuss issues or feelings raised by your study. Please see the La Verne IRB policy on referrals; in many circumstances more than one will be needed.
  • Time to complete surveys should be ascertained in advance so you can provide the La Verne IRB with the total time to complete the survey, or time per measure if multiple measures are proposed.
  • If you have more exploratory research, the interview topics still need to be listed, along with proposed study questions or topics to be considered.
  • If you are using the Delphi method, the initial set of questions needs to be submitted. The application should indicate the procedures for the following rounds. You may need to submit an amendment for the subsequent rounds.
  • To ensure a survey is truly anonymous, the anonymity function should be turned on in Qualtrics or a similar survey platform, along with turning off the ability for respondents to return to their application at a later time.

Important Links

Qualtrics support is offered to La Verne students, staff, faculty and administrators through the  Center for Teaching and Learning

PsycTests can be accessed through the Wilson Library by clicking here

Secondary data databases can searched for and accessed through the Wilson Library by clicking here