
Follow steps 1-6 below to prepare an application

1. Prior to starting an application in IRBManager

Read the information in the following links from the menu on the left:

  1. Human Subjects Training-Required
  2. The Review Process
  3. How to Prepare Your IRB Application
  4. Does My Application Qualify as Exempt?
  5. What to Include

2. Refer to IRBManager 101 for how to login to IRBManager. You may also click on the IRBManager logo to access the site

3. Review how to use the Dashboard and Starting a New Initial La Verne IRB Application instructions

  1. Using the Dashboard step-by-step guide or video
  2. Starting a New Initial La Verne IRB Application step-by-step guide or video
  3. Initial Application Example
  4. Initial La Verne IRB Application Example with Drop Down Options

NOTE: If someone other than the Principal Investigator is inputting the application, the Principal Investigator needs to be added on as a collaborator to see the application. Further, Co-Investigators will need the same courtesy. To add a collaborator, please follow our instructions on Adding Overseeing Personnel to Your Application.

4. Notice the instructions available below to use as needed

  1. Adding a New Contact for external researchers or researchers new to IRBManager  step-by-step guide or video
  2. Checking the status of your application step-by-step guide or video
  3. Filing Amendments step-by-step guide or video
  4. Filing Extensions step-by-step guide or video
  5. Filing Closure forms step-by-step guide or  video

5. Address Revisions for the Initial Application

There are two types of revisions that you may receive from the review in IRBManager. Please select the materials below to use based on the subject line of the email you received from IRBManager.

Minor revisions how-to tutorial video

Substantial revisions how-to tutorial video

NOTE: If applicants wait more than six months to submit revisions, they will be required to submit a new application in IRBManager and undergo a new review. The outcome may change with the new review, necessitating more revisions from the applicant.

6. Report any adverse event or unanticipated problem as soon as it occurs (within 7 days)

Instructions for: Submitting an Adverse Event or Unanticipated Problem