Professors, Program Chair/Directors, and Academic Deans have oversight for classroom conduct. According to the University Catalog.
Enrollment in a class may be terminated by an administrative withdrawal due to unsatisfactory conduct in the class; disrespect of an instructor, faculty member, administrator, or staff member; academic dishonesty; judicial misconduct; or sanctions.
A faculty member who wishes to request that a student(s) be administratively withdrawn should inform the department chairperson, support the request with evidence that the student(s) was warned either in writing or verbally and notify the Office of Academic Advising. The Office of Academic Advising will process the Administrative Withdrawal and notify the student in writing. All refund and financial aid policies apply.
Classroom conduct may be referred, investigated, and addressed under the Code of Student Conduct when the alleged behavior is significantly pervasive and/or severe such that it limits an individual’s ability to participate in educational programs at the University and constitutes a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Classroom conduct may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator when the alleged behavior may constitute a violation of the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Initial Intervention(s)
The instructor is strongly encouraged to notify the student privately and firmly that the behavior is concerning. Putting the student “on notice” verbally (and in writing) may often result in the deescalation of the problematic behavior. However, if the behavior continues, you, the instructor, have the right to escalate the administrative intervention that may include removal from the course.
Verbal & Written Warning
The student should be informed that the behavior they are engaged in (give examples and/or summary) is disruptive to the learning environment. The student should be informed of the category of behavior they should and should no be engaged in. The student should be given an opportunity to respond/clarify. The student should be informed that per policy, should that behavior continue they may be administratively withdrawn from the course resulting in a “W” on the transcript. A follow-up should be done summarizing/documenting the meeting with the student sent to the student with a copy to the department chair and/or associate dean of the college.