Registration Appointment Dates

Registration: Summer-Fall 2025

Academic advising begins MARCH 10, 2025.

Priority registration opens with seniors on APRIL 15, 2025.

Academic Advising Holds

ONE (1) month prior to Priority Registration, all traditional main campus undergraduates will see Academic Advising Holds on their records.

Once the academic advisor expires the hold, it will stay off for the rest of the add/drop season.

  • Main Campus Academic Advisors: Instructions to expire holds are posted HERE.

Everyone: Banner 9 Registration documentation and instructional videos are posted HERE.

Known Issues in Student Holds & Registration

There’s a “quirk” in the Student Advising Profile in the Portal that occasionally confuses students and advisors. Advisors and students might see a message that says, “Some holds are sensitive and may not be displayed”.  These “sensitive holds” are tied to the student’s record, but they are financial processes (payment plans and direct deposit) that do not affect their ability  to register. However, because they are used in the same spaces where holds are posted in Banner, these generate the message that confuses students and advisors. If you see this message and you have removed the advising hold, and there is no other hold (accounting hold that is labeled as such), please disregard the message and encourage students to register for course.

Priority Registration by date and earned units:

Excludes in-progress units

Start Date Start Time Semester Hours Min Semester Hours Max
April 15, 2025 9:00am Honors/Special 999.99
9:00am 124 [Seniors] 999.99
11:00am 113 123.99
1:00pm 101 112.99
3:00pm 92 100.99
April 17, 2025 9:00am 84 [Juniors] 91.99
11:00am 76 83.99
1:00pm 68 75.99
3:00pm 60 67.99
April 22, 2025 9:00am 51 [Sophomores] 59.99
11:00am 43 50.99
1:00pm 35 42.99
3:00pm 27 34.99
April 24, 2025 9:00am 23 [Freshmen] 26.99
11:00am 16 22.99
1:00pm 8 15.99
3:00pm 1 7.99

NOTE: “999.99” denotes Honors and Special Student populations. For course search and registration tutorial videos, click here.