University of La Verne Implements a ‘Vote Everywhere’ Campus
The University of La Verne has joined The Andrew Goodman Foundation’s network of Vote Everywhere campuses aimed to improve voting accessibility.
The University of La Verne has joined The Andrew Goodman Foundation’s network of Vote Everywhere campuses aimed to improve voting accessibility.
More than 600 University of La Verne supporters attended the 2019 Scholarship Gala, “Achieve Beyond Imagination.”
The College of Law hosted an Intellectual Property Law Symposium centered on the topics of gender & diversity at the Sara and Michael Abraham Campus Center.
The University of La Verne’s research field station bears the name of Bob & Mary Neher, who built the ranch to provide research opportunities for students.
University of La Verne’s Dyamond Gray, a second-year English and Spanish major, has been awarded the Newman Civic Fellowship.
A University of La Verne masters’ public administration student won the regional competition for the NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition.
University of La Verne transfer students played games and received information about on-campus resources this week at the first annual Transfer Day.
The University of La Verne Association of Latino Professionals For America hosted its inaugural campus mixer recently, welcoming speaker Brian Mayoral.
The California Council on Gerontology and Geriatrics (CCGG) will host its 39th Annual Meeting at the University of La Verne campus.
The University of La Verne community participated in a sage ceremony by indigenous environmental activist and hip hop artist, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez.