MyDegree Tracker Banner


MyDegree Tracker (Audit-level Concerns)

Academic Advisors who have audit-level concerns that are not student-specific can submit concerns to the Registrar’s audit management team here.


The University Registrar will investigate the system issue and communicate what they found.


MyDegree Tracker (Student-Specific Concerns)

Students who feel that MyDegree Tracker is inaccurate should consult with their academic advisor. Advisors should consult with our office if they think the audit is wrong,, and explain why they think MDT is wrong. Note: MyDegree Tracker updates nightly. Any current day updates will appear the following day.



MyDegree Tracker (Fall 2017 enrollment or later)

Student FAQ:

  • Audit
  • SEP (Student Educational Planner)
Academic Advisor FAQ:

  • Audit
  • SEP (Student Educational Planner)

Overview, MyDegree Tracker (8:39)

Add Note to Student Record (2:20)

Overview, Student Educational Planner (SEP) (6:32)


Overview, Evaluation, MyDegree Tracker (PDF)

Overview, Student Educational Planner, MyDegree Tracker (PDF)

MyDegree Tracker – Student Educational Plan Templates (Should submit as Word document).